Botox and Dysport Training


Review Allergan Brilliant Distinctions (Botox Reward System) here.

Review Galderma Aspire Rewards (Dysport) here.


When dealing with Aspire Promotional Codes please do not do the following:

  1. If you cannot redeem the points because the treatment was less than 90 days DO NOT report in PatientNow that the points were redeemed and then put in the sticky note that you did not actually redeem.
  2. If a patient does not have points, DO NOT report in PatientNow that points were redeemed. Instead, please tell the patient that you will enter the treatment today and he/she will get the points on the next visit.
  3. If a patient does not have an account, DO NOT report in PatientNow that the points were redeemed. Instead, please tell the patient that you will create a new account, enter the treatment today, and he/she will get the points on the next visit.
  4. If a patient cannot be awarded points because the last treatment was less than 90 days, DO NOT award them points for another product. 

Please remember that these rebates are money to CLC. We get a reimbursement from Galderma. If you report that you collect the points but never really redeem it, we will keep on waiting for Galderma to redeem the money back to CLC but will never get the money because they were never redeemed to begin with.



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